Word Riddles 💬 in 2025

Fashions change, but what can a person wear that is never out of style?

They come at night without being called and are lost in the day without being stolen. What are they?

You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?

A single word which is versatile, it can be a letter, unknown to the problem, a variable, a target, a love, an intercept, and a type of chromosome. What am I?

This is an abnormal paragraph. It is not normal at all. All of its writing is grammatically right, but it looks wrong. If you find what’s wrong, you’ll show your skill in sight. If you can’t find it, that’s alright. Not many found it instantly. You may look on for hours and hours, or you may find it soon. In any way, it isn’t normal. Why?

I have roots nobody sees. I am taller than trees Up, Up I go but I never grow. What am I?

What is the musical part of a turkey?

Lighter than what I am made of. More of me is hidden than seen. What am I?

I build up castles. I tear down mountains. I make some men blind, but I help others to see. What am I?

The more there is the less you see. What is it?

I am alive without breath and cold as death. I am never thirsty but always drinking. What am I?

What has 18 legs and catches flies?

Goes over all the hills and hollows, Bites hard, but never swallows. What is it?