Rhyming Riddles 🎶 in 2024

Red, orange, yellow and green. The king could never reach me, and not even the queen. Blue and violet also are seen, some shading between.

You use me from your head to toe, the more I work, the smaller I grow.

I draw a picture with my tip, if you don’t know the answer, I could get bit. I break a lot, and get a bit dull, one day there will be nothing left of me – nada, null.

I can be quick and then I’m deadly,
I am a rock, shell and bone medley.
If I was made into a man, I’d make people dream,
I gather in my millions By ocean, sea and stream.

A precious stone, as clear as diamond.
Seek it out while the sun’s near the horizon.
Though you can walk on water with its power,
try to keep it, and it’ll vanish in an hour.

The more I appear, the less you’ll see. Riddle me this then, what could I be?

It cannot be seen, it cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt,
Lies behind stars and under hills,
and empty holes it fills.
Comes first follows after,
Ends life kills laughter.

I’m found on people’s faces, I’m something you wear, I help correct your eyesight and I come in a pair.

I am beautiful, up in the sky.
I am magical, yet I cannot fly.
To people I bring luck, to some people, riches.
The boy at my end does whatever he wishes.
What am I?

I touch the Earth and sky. If I touch you, you’ll probably die.

I’m the smallest unit, need I say more? There’s nothing else to it.

I have legs but seldom walk;
I backbite many but never talk;
I seek places that can hide me
because those that feed me cannot abide me.

Dinner plates and lots of coins, pizza bases and rings. It’s also the letter that comes after N, what shape are all of these things?

It starts at the earth’s end and brink,
Filled with water you can’t drink.
Has a color, just like ink,
Walk into it and you’ll sink.

I’m a little fuzzball you keep in a cage, I look young forever, no matter my age. I’m a bit like a rat but my cheeks are more fat.

A stallion is the male of me, a female’s called a mare. You might get to ride me on the carousel at the fair.

As soft as silk, as white as milk,
as bitter as gall, a thick green wall,
and a green coat covers me all.

I am tiny, but in me the power lies to change my form and substance to much bigger size.

I can be all colours or no colour at all, sometimes I’m empty, and others I’m full.

By moon or sun, I’ll always be found, but I am undone if no light is around.