What Am I Riddles 🤷 in 2025

What is seen in the middle of March and April that can’t be seen at the beginning or end of either month?

I am a fruit. Remove my first letter, it’s a crime. Remove my first and last letter, it’s a kind of music. What do you think am I?

I build up castles.
I tear down mountains.
I make some men blind,
I help others to see.
What am I?

I create my lair with earthen string and dispatch my prey with a biting sting. What am I?

You can easily touch me, but not see me. You can throw me out, but not away. What am I?

I help you from your head to your toe. The more I work, the smaller I grow. What am I?

I have branches, but no fruit, trunk or leaves. What am I?

For thousands of years, Seen only in tale. The wind as a sail, For one thunderous gale. Shiny stores rich in lore, The burning temper, like Earth’s core. What am I?

I have four legs. I live in Africa. I am big and grey. I live in the river. What am I?

I am not alive but I grow. I don’t have lungs but I need air. What am I?

I have no legs. I will never walk, but always run. What am I?

I don’t have wings, but I can fly.
I don’t have eyes, but I will cry!
What am I?

When you have me more, you can see only less. What Am I?

I can fly but have no wings. I can cry but I have no eyes. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?

I shave every day, but my beard stays the same. What am I?

I can never be thrown but I can be caught. Ways to lose me are always being sought. What am I?

I’m an instrument through which sounds are made, and yet, not something that can be played. What am I?

I have many teeth but I can’t bite. I’m often used early but rarely at night. What am I?

Always in you, Sometimes on you; If I surround you, I can kill you. What am I?

I am served at a table, In gatherings of two or four. Served small, white, and round. You’ll love some, and that’s part of the fun. What am I?