Math Riddles ➕ in 2025

This well-shaped word starts with a C and ends with E; it is the perimeter of a circle. What is it?

This is a five lettered word and is common in a circle and a ring. What is it?

It is found in every house in every room; it is also found in polygons and quadrilaterals. What is it?

This important sign starts with a D and ends with a T and is used in morse code. What is it?

It starts with P and ends with Y; it is a mathematical study of luck and chances. What is it?

I have as many apples as the number of days in one week. How many apples do I have?

It is a mathematical formula and includes all the four basic mathematical operations. What is it?

What is less than 100 and greater than 50, and the product of 8 and 8?

It is greater than 50 and smaller than 100 and is known as a diamond jubilee. What is the number?

4 times this number is century and twice is half-century. What is the number?

It is an even number and the smallest of all the prime numbers. What is it?

It is a 3 digit number; if you add all three, the value is the same as the total of the digits at the tens and hundreds place.
What is the number?

What is common in the table of 2 and 5, and is the total of all the digits in both your hands and legs.
What is the number?

Using only addition, add eight 8s to get the number 1,000.

One brother says of his younger brother: “Two years ago, I was three times as old as my brother was.
In three years’ time, I will be twice as old as my brother.”
How old are they each now?

A grandfather, two fathers and two sons went to the movie theater together and everyone bought one movie ticket each.
How many tickets did they buy in total?

A duck was given $9, a spider was given $36, a bee was given $27.
Based off of this information, how much money would be given to a cat?

If 66 = 2, 999 = 3, 8=2, 0=1, 9696=4, 8123=2, 98=3 and 88=4, then what does 816982 equal?

Frank was born in 1932 and died in 1950, at the age of 74. How can this be?

What can you put between a 5 and a 6 so that the result is greater than a five, but less than a six?