Hard Riddles🗿 in 2025

I’m full of holes but strong as steel. What am I?

A man calls his dog from the opposite side of the river. The dog crosses the river without getting wet, and without using a bridge or boat. How?

A murderer is condemned to death and he has the option to die in one of the following three rooms: a room full of raging fire, a room full of assassins with loaded guns, and a room full of lions who haven’t eaten in years. Which room should he choose?

What can you hold in your right hand but never in your left?

The answer is right there in front of you.

What gets bigger the more you take away?

Good luck digging yourself out of this one.

Three different doctors said that Paul is their brother yet Paul claims he has no brothers. Who is lying?

I have many faces, expressions, and emotions, and I am usually right at your fingertips. What am I?

What begins with an “e” and only contains one letter?

How many letters are in the alphabet?

I have cities, but not houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have coasts, but no sand. What am I?

Think “bigger picture” with this one.

What can fill a room but takes up no space?

I am always hungry and will die if not fed, but whatever I touch will soon turn red. What am I?

I am something people love or hate. I change people’s appearances and thoughts. If a person takes care of themself, I will go up even higher. Some people might want to try and hide me but I will show. No matter how hard people try I will never go down. What am I?

Only one color, but not one size,
Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies.
Present in sun, but not in rain,
Doing no harm, and feeling no pain.
What is it?

What word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?

I have three feet, but I can’t stand without leaning. I have no arms to hold me up. What am I?

What has four fingers and a thumb but isn’t alive?

No, the answer is not “hand.”

A man looks at a painting in a museum and says, “Brothers and sisters I have none, but that man’s father is my father’s son.” Who is in the painting?

There is a single-story blue house where everything is blue; the doors, windows, couch, television, kitchen, etc. are blue. What color is the carpet on the stairs in this house?

What ancient invention allows people to see through walls?