Fantasy Riddles 🧚 in 2024

Possesses magical powers, has never been seen without her magical cloak, and the black cat keeps flying around on broomsticks wearing her hat. Who is it?

It is something so magical, it comes to you every night. It takes you places without actually moving you. To see it, you need to close your eyes first. What is it?

It starts with C and ends with N, and is used by all the witches for making magical potions and casting magical spells. What is it?

I have a tail, a head, but no legs. I am probably with you now.

What has roots as nobody sees,
Is taller than trees,
Up, up it goes,
And yet never grows?

In September, you pick me when I’m good and ready.

In October, you cut me intentionally to make me look worse.

In November, you trash me like you never knew me.

What am I?

A man rode into a town with his horse on the 25th of June. He stayed in the town for 3 weeks, then left on June. How is this possible?

Two silk worms were in a race. Who won?

What do you get if you cross a tarantula and a rose?

Whats made of rubber, handed out at some schools, and exists to prevent mistakes?

Over 1,000 people went down on me. I wasnt a maiden for long. Something really big and hard ripped me open. What am I?

Name a word thats four letters long, ends in u-n-t and is used to refer to some women?

I come in shades of red or green, I’m round and sometimes sweet, sometimes sour? What might I be?

I am round and red. My meat is also red. Some people think I am a vegetable but I am really a fruit. People like to use me in a salad. What am I?

A tested formula of love
Inevitable part of love stories
The romantic dim light and good food are its friends
It never goes out of trend.
What is it?

It has mighty tall walls, all the riches, and also a dark prison to capture all the evil. What is it?

Possesses magical powers, has never been seen without her magical cloak, and the black cat keeps flying around on broomsticks wearing her hat. Who is it?

They hunt the bad ones and befriend the good; they save the needy ones from the evil wicked ones. Who are they?

It starts with an S and ends with a K; it has thousands of spellings that are needed by all the witches to learn her way. What is it?

His name starts with H and ends with R; he is friends with Hagrid and lives in Hogwarts. This boy wizard amazes everyone with his magical powers. Who is he?