Christmas Riddles 🎄 in 2024

I hide around the house, moving during the nights. Santa sent me to see who’s naughty and nice. What am I?

Where does a snowman usually keep his money?

It gets killed. It gets dressed. It gets trinkets, and everyone smiles, looking at its star. What is it?

You can hold me and shake me, but I’m easy to break. I have lots of snow, even though it’s all fake! What am I?

You can catch me easily, especially around Christmastime, but you can never throw me. What am I?

When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?

What Christmas carol is a fervent hope that you thoroughly enjoy your yuletide season?

I am tall when I am young, and I am short when I am old. What am I?

Christmas was just around the corner, and a sincerely honest politician, a lovely and genuinely kind lawyer, and Santa were sharing the elevator in an expensive 5-star hotel. They all saw a $100 bill on the floor of the elevator. Who do you think picked up the bill?

What is always right in front of you but can’t be seen?

How is it that Christmas is made up of the English alphabet but is still different from the English alphabet?

What is something you can keep after giving it to someone?

What do you call a vampire caught in a blizzard?

Why do reindeer always fly over the mountain?

What type of fruit do people serve at Christmas that has tons of carbs?

If you hear me jingling around the night just before Christmas Day, you’d better try to get to sleep as you are hearing Santa’s sleigh. What am I?

My job often leaves me frozen; I am a man that all should know, but I only come out during times of sleet or ice or snow. Who am I?

What bites but doesn’t have any teeth?

What’s a lion’s favorite Christmas carol?

Santa was having problems with his legs and was unable to walk so he went to the hospital to ask the doctor if he could recommend something for him. What did the doctor give to Santa to help him to walk?