Birthday Riddles 🎂 in 2024

How do pickles celebrate their birthday?

What’s the cleanest type of birthday party joke?

What kind of cake do you eat if you are sick on your birthday?

Why can’t kids remember past birthdays?

Why was the birthday cake so hard?

What did the cake say to the donut?

What happens when your dad chugs 8 sodas at your birthday party?

What do you call a bunch of balloons in the bathroom?

What do frogs drink at their birthday parties?

How do cats bake cake?

What did the cake say to the fork?

What happens if no one comes to your birthday party?

What kind of music do balloons hate?

What do mermaids do on their birthdays?

What is a tornado’s favorite party game?

Why did the cupcake cross the road?

Why don’t owls give each other presents on their birthdays?

Did you hear about the tree’s birthday party?

What kind of music is scary for birthday balloons?

Why do some people get heartburn every time they eat birthday cake?