Birthday Riddles 🎂 in 2024

Why couldn’t the science teacher come up with a good birthday joke?

Why do tennis balls whisper happy birthday to each other?

What is Elsa from Frozen‘s favorite part of a birthday cake?

What didn’t the teddy bear eat cake on its birthday?

What did the snowman say to the birthday girl?

What is Moby Dick’s favorite way to celebrate his birthday?

What’s a sure sign you’re getting older?

What did one lion say to the other on its birthday?

A girl was ten on her last birthday, and will be twelve on her next birthday. How is this possible?

Peter celebrated his birthday on one day, and two days later his older twin brother, Paul, celebrated his birthday. How could this be?

Sometimes I am loved, usually by the young. Other times I am dreaded, mostly by the old ones. I am hard to remember, also hard to forget. And yet if you do, You’ll make someone upset. I occur every day everyone has to face me. Even if you don’t want it to happen; embrace me. What am I?

A boy was born in 1955. He just had his 18th birthday today. How did that happen?

Billy was born on December 28th, yet his birthday is always in the summer.
How is this possible?

What do you say to a rabbit on its birthday?

What goes up but never comes down?

What one thing will you get every year on your birthday, guaranteed?

What do you give a 3100 lb. rhino for his birthday?

Does a green candle burn longer than a pink one?

Did you hear about the tree’s birthday celebration?

What did the cake say to the ice cream?