Animal Riddles 🐕‍🦺 in 2025

I never leave water, but I breathe air. I live in a school all my life.

What do you call a horse that lives next door?

What do you call a sleeping cow?

I move without wings, between silken strings, I leave as you find, my substance behind. What am I?

A black dog lies on a black road. No streetlights are on. A car with broken headlights comes down the road but avoids the dog. How did the driver see the dog?

The cow is my cousin. If you see my name you’ll know what I mean. What am I?

I have the exact same size and shape as a hippopotamus but I weigh nothing. What am I?

I plough fields but never sow, I’ve a corkscrew tail and snuffly nose

My first’s in follow but not lead, my second’s in write but not in read.

My third’s in sky but not cloud, my fourth’s in humble but not in proud.

My all turns circles in a bowl, and lies on a plate fried up whole.

My first’s in old but never in young, my second’s in whistled but never in sung.

My third’s in lunar and in light, my whole is a creature that flies at night.

A cat can jump up to two metres. There’s a window one metre from the ground, but the cat can’t jump through. Why not?

There is a house with four walls that all face south. There’s a bear standing outside. What colour is the bear?

I have wings and I have a tail, across the sky is where I sail. Yet I have no eyes, ears or mouth, and I bob randomly from north to south. What am I?

What did the turkey say to the rooster when he challenged him to a fight?

What did the leopard say after finishing his meal?

My name is spelled similar to a type of alcohol, and like a drunk, I can sleep for a long long time. I also rhyme with the thing humans need the most. What am I?

What animal always has a buck?

What did the duck say at the end of his meal at the restaurant when the waiter brought him the check?

Where do rabbits go to enjoy their breakfast, lunch and dinner?

I can jump, I can swim, I swing from tree to tree and I make a house much bigger than myself. What am I?