Animal Riddles 🐕‍🦺 in 2025

I hide my treasure in the ground, my tail is big and fluffy. If you spot me in a tree, please don’t call me scruffy

I build a home of sticky string and catch my prey with a bite or sting. Who am I?

What day do chickens fear the most?

My start goes on toast, and my end’s how birds move. My baby eats leaves but I drink flowers

The height of my legs—usually around 6 feet—is taller than most humans. What animal am I?

I have two long ears, and I don’t walk, I hop. What am I?

I have wings but I am not a bird. I am small, colorful, and beautiful. I live in gardens and fields and forests. I used to be a caterpillar. What am I?

The alphabet goes from A to Z but I go Z to A. What am I?

I have a hole in my back and legs I lack. I live where I can’t breathe and I eat without teeth. What am I?

What day do chickens fear the most?

What is the smartest insect?

You might be called this animal if someone thinks that you’re afraid. This is something that you might eat, as well as its eggs that it laid. What animal am I?

I’m spotty and speedy, but not at all greedy. I look like a leopard but don’t try to play me at cards. What am I?

I never leave water but I breathe air. I live in a school all my life. What am I?

Where do cheetahs, lions, jaguars, tigers, cats and pumas go for their school field trip?

I like to hop around, and I’m a tadpole when I’m young. I am green and I croak and catch flies with my long tongue. What am I?

What do you call a cow with no legs?

I live in the woods. I am very big and furry. I like to eat fish and berries. I love honey as much as you do. What am I?

Where do hippopotamuses keep their money?

What animal is the best cricket player?